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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading: 30% | Distinguished Reading: 30% | Proficient Math: 42% | Distinguished Math: 18% |

2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA)

Proficient Reading:

Elementary 34% | Middle 30% | High 32%

Distinguished Reading:

Elementary 27% | Middle 25% | High 19%

Proficient Math:

Elementary 36% | Middle 35% | High 28%

Distinguished Math:

Elementary 22% | Middle 17% | High 17%

Check My Child's Progress

Our students have a full year to develop mastery of each standard for each course. 

  • Our teachers update our grades in Infinite Campus and a missing assignment report is auto-emailed to addresses on file in our school database. 
  • Each quarter our school will print a progress report which is essentially a cleaned-up snapshot of the information in Infinite Campus.  This quarterly progress report is NOT a final grade or factored into a final grade.  Please view it as simply what it is...a snapshot of where your child's progress is now.  We do not take the grades from each quarter and average them together.  We take the grade at the end of the year for the final grade.
  • At the end of the school year, a report card will be generated and will be considered the final grades for the year.

We use a standards-based grading system that aligns with mastery pacing guides which you can view below. The mastery guides give you a range that most students "should" be performing within for each standard at this point in the semester so you can determine if your child is on track to meet mastery of the standard by the end of the year. Your children keep these on their Google Drives and mark them as they are progressing through their learning.  They can pull them up for you at any time.

  • If your child is below the range, they may need extra help such as ESS, tutoring, a tutorial period, or revisiting standards. 
  • If your child is in the range, we believe they are currently progressing as they should. 
  • If your child is above the range, we need to develop enrichment activities for your child.

6th Mastery Scale Pacing Guide

7th Mastery Scale Pacing Guide

8th Mastery Scale Pacing Guide

6th Unified Arts Scale Pacing Guide

7th Unified Arts Scale Pacing Guide

8th Unified Arts Scale Pacing Guide

High School Credit Mastery Pacing Guide

We have created videos to teach you more about the tools we use to determine progress for our students.

IC Parent Portal & Grade Overview (9:45 min)

  • How to locate portal/login
  • How to gain login information
  • Where to locate grade information
  • How to narrow down views (by term and by unscored standards)
  • How to locate the Formative and Summative areas for each standard

What is a SFS –Student Friendly Scale? (9:51)

  • What is a SFS
  • Where are they located for families (pacing guides)
  • Where are they located for my child (folders in drive)
  • How does my child use SFS’s
  • Use of preassessments/evidence to update scales
  • How is a SFS tied to IC
  • How does formative/summative information relate to a SFS